
읞간의 마음, 묎엇윌로 채욞 수 있는가? /서론 1강

    읞간의 마음, 묎엇윌로 채욞 수 있는가?

섞상에는 채워도 채워도 채욞 수 없는 것읎 있는데 귞것읎 바로 ‘읞간의 마음’입니닀.
마음읎 채워지지 않은 사람은 늘 ‘공허핚’을 느끌게 됩니닀. 육신도 얎느 정도 뚹윌멎 채워짐을 느끌지만 시간읎 지나멎 닀시 허Ʞ짐을 느끌듯 읞간은 ê·ž 마음을 묎엇읞가로 채우지 않윌멎 갈꞉핚을 느끌게 되고 묎엇윌로든 채우렀 합니닀.
묌론 ê·ž 마음은 채웠닀 생각하는 순간 닀시 공허핚을 느끌게 되고 읞간의 욕심은 평생 ê·ž 공허한 마음, 빈 마음을 채우Ʞ 위핎 삶을 헌신합니닀.
얎늰 아읎때는 엄마, 아빠가 최고고 깚진 구슬, 엄마가 안 쓰는 화장 도구, 알읎 빠젞버늰 뚞늬핀도 좋고 읎쁜 돌멩읎도 ë‹€ 소쀑하여 귞것읎 전부읞쀄 알고 자랍니닀. 

귞러나 ê·ž 마음은 점점 더 새롭고 더 좋은 것을 찟게 되고 친구가 부몚님볎닀 더 좋고 시간읎 지나멎 친구에서 애읞, 애읞에서 배우자, 배우자에서 자녀듀, ê²°êµ­ 자녀듀 낎렀놓고 손죌듀로 전환됩니닀. 귞것 역시도 날마닀 더 새롭고 더 나은 것을 추구하는 읞간의 빈 마음 채우Ʞ읞 것입니닀. 

귞러닀 묌질, 돈만 있윌멎 원하는 것을 ë‹€ 가질 수 있닀는 것을 알게 됩니닀. 귞래서 더 공부하고 더 좋은 직장에서 더 많은 뎉꞉을 받고 더 큰 사업을 하여 더 많은 묌질, 돈윌로 삶을 채우렀고 합니닀. 

귞런데 귞렇게 공부하고 음핎서 몚은 묌질, 사랑핎서 시작한 가정, 월섞에서 ì „ì„ž, 전섞에서 18평 낎집, 18평에서24평, 32평 집 크Ʞ가 더 컀지멎 ê·ž 마음읎 채워질 쀄 알았는데 묌질읎 많아젞도 집 크Ʞ가 컀젞도 집 크Ʞ가 컀지는 만큌 ê·ž 마음의 빈 자늬도 더 컀지는 것입니닀. ê²°êµ­ 읞간은 죜얎 자신의 시첎가 쉎 반평 정도 얻을텐데 말입니닀.

사람도 아니고 묌질도 아니멎 읎젠 독서, 욎동, 닀읎얎튞, 여행 등 묎엇읞가에 마음을 묶얎두렀하고 유투람, 페읎슀 북, 읞슀타귞랚 등 SNS의 가상 현싀에서 순간을 잊윌며 삎던지 심지얎 술, 도박, 마앜, 게임 등 현싀을 도플하여 순간의 재믞로 여전히 채욞 수 없는 ê·ž 마음을 채우렀합니닀.


묌질로 채욞 수 없습니닀. 

성겜에 삭개였가 등장합니닀(눅 19:1-10). 읎슀띌엘은 당시 로마의 속국읎였Ʞ에 로마에 섞ꞈ을 ë‚Žì•Œ 했는데 당시 섞늬듀은 로마에 바치는 섞ꞈ볎닀 더 많은 섞ꞈ을 거두얎 자신듀의 부륌 축척했고 ê·ž 사싀을 유대읞듀도 잘 알고 있었습니닀. 귞래서 섞늬듀은 유대읞듀의 슝였의 대상읎 되었습니닀. 심지얎 삭개였는 ê·ž 섞늬듀의 섞늬장읎었습니닀. 귞러니 얌마나 돈을 찟췚했고 또한 얌마나 욕을 뚹었겠습니까? 

귞런데 ê·ž 욕을 뚹윌멎서도 귞는 였직 묌질, 돈읎멎 귞의 마음을 채욞 수 있닀고 믿었습니닀. 욕도 슝였도 손가띜질도 ë‹€ 견딜 수 있었습니닀. 귞러나 귞의 마음은 늘 허전하고 공허했습니닀. 귞래서 ê·ž 부자 삭개였가 예수님께로 나옚  것입니닀. 귞늬고 고백합니닀.

죌여 볎시옵소서 낮 소유의 절반을 가난한 자듀에게 죌겠사였며 만음 누구의 것을 속여 빌앗은 음읎 있윌멎 ë„€ 갑절읎나 갚겠나읎닀(눅 19:8)

귞는 예수님윌로 ê·ž 마음을 채우고서알 ê·ž 생명곌 같은 묌질로부터 떠날 수 있었습니닀. ê²°êµ­ 우늬 안에 있는 욕심읎 통제되지 않는 한 우늬의 갈꞉핚은 멈추지 않습니닀. 섞계 최고의 부자였던 록펠러에게 ‘돈읎 얌마나 있윌멎 충분하겠습니까?’띌고 질묞했더니 ‘쪌~끔만 더’띌고 했닀고 합니닀. 채욞 수 없습니닀. 성겜은 말합니닀.

은을 사랑하는 자는 은윌로 만족하지 못하고 풍요륌 사랑하는 자는 소득윌로 만족하지 아니하나니 읎것도 헛되도닀(전 5:10)

성겜에 니고데몚가 등장을 합니닀(요 3:1-21). 니고데몚는 바늬새읞읎요 유대읞의 ꎀ원읎었습니닀. 유대읞의 ꎀ원읎띌멎 지ꞈ의 국회의원 정도의 권섞륌 가진 자였습니닀. 귞는 또한 성겜에 능통하고 사람듀로부터 졎겜을 받윌며 도덕적윌로도 흠읎 없는 심지얎 부자였습니닀. 귞러나 귞는 예수님께 나와알 했습니닀. 왜냐하멎 ê·žê°€ 가진 섞상의 몚든 것윌로도 ê·ž 마음을 채욞 수 없었Ʞ 때묞입니닀.

읎때 예수님읎 니고데몚에게 ‘사람읎 거듭나지 아니하멎 하나님의 나띌륌 볌 수 없느니띌’(요 3:3)ê³  하십니닀. 귞늬고 ‘사람읎 묌곌 성령윌로 나지 아니하멎 하나님의 나띌에 듀얎갈 수 없느니띌’(요 3:5). 하십니닀. 

귞럌 거듭난닀는 것읎 묎엇입니까? 찜조 전 섞상의 몚습읎 ‘혌돈, 공허, 흑암’(ì°œ 1:2)읎었듯읎 예수 귞늬슀도륌 믿음윌로 새 생명을 얻는 것, 바로 거듭나는 것입니닀. 예수 귞늬슀도로 말믞암아 닀시 태얎나지 않은 삶은 공허한 것입니닀. 귞래서 성겜은 예수님 안에서 자신읎 발견된 귞늬슀도읞듀을 가늬쌜 읎렇게 말합니닀.
귞늬슀도 안에 있윌멎 새로욎 플조묌읎띌 읎전것은 지나갔윌니 볎띌 새것읎 되었도닀(고후 5:17).


사람윌로도 채욞 수 없습니닀. 

읎슀띌엘 사마늬아 땅 수가성에 삎던 묎명의 여읞읎 있었습니닀(요 4:1-42). 유대 지역의 낮시간은 묎척 더워서 사람듀읎 잘 움직읎지 않는데도 읎 여읞은 성겜 시간윌로 6시, 귞래서 6을 더한 시간읞 낮 12시에 묌을 Ꞟ윌러 왔습니닀. 사람듀의 시선을 플하Ʞ 위핎서였습니닀. 왜 읎 여읞은 사람듀을 팚했을까요? 읎 여읞에게는 읎믞 닀섯 낚자가 있었고 현재는 여섯번짞 낚자와 핚께 ì‚Žê³  있었Ʞ 때묞입니닀. 

읎 여읞은 왜 읎렇게 많은 낚자듀곌 ì‚Žì•„ì•Œ 했을까요? 읎 사람읎멎 채욞 수 있겠지 하던 Ʞ대는 싀망윌로 읎얎졌고 사람을 바꟞멎 채욞늬띌 믿었지만 사람을 바꟞얎도 채욞 수 없었Ʞ 때묞입니닀. 귞런데 귞륌 누가 찟아였십니까? 바로 예수님입니닀. 예수님읎 귞곳에 ì°Ÿì•„ 였십니닀. 유대읞듀은 사마늬아 읞듀곌 상종하Ʞ ì‹«ì–Žì„œ 통행하지도 않았는데 유대읞읎신 예수님읎 유대읞 제자듀을 데늬고 귞곳을 통곌하시멎서 사마늬아 여읞을 찟아가신 것입니닀. 귞늬고 말씀하십니닀.

읎 묌을 마시는 자마닀 닀시 목마륎렀니와 ë‚Žê°€ 죌는 묌을 마시는 자는 영원히 목마륎지 아니하늬니 ë‚Žê°€ 죌는 묌은 ê·ž 속에서 영생하도록 솟아나는 샘묌읎 되늬띌(요 4: 14)

귞러자 낹펾 닀섯을 바꟞고 여섯짞 낚펞곌 ì‚Žë©° 사람을 두렀워하던 여읞읎 얎떻게 했습니까? 성겜은 읎렇게 말합니닀.

여자가 묌동읎륌 버렀 두고 동넀로 듀얎가서 사람듀에게 읎륎되 ë‚Žê°€ 행한 몚든 음을 넀게 말한 사람을 와서 볎띌 읎는 귞늬슀도가 아니냐(요 4:28,29) 

ê·ž 마음읎 예수 귞늬슀도로 채워지자 더 읎상 사람듀읎 두렵지도 자신읎 부끄럜지도 않았던 것입니닀.


읞간의 마음, 공허한 ê·ž 마음 였직 ‘예수 귞늬슀도’로 채욞 수 있습니닀. ì˜ˆìˆ˜ë‹˜ì€ 말씀하십니닀.
1. 나는 생명의 떡읎니 낎게 였는 자는 결윔 죌늬지 아니할 터읎요 나륌 믿는 자는 영원히 목마륎지 아니하늬띌(요 6: 35)
2. 누구든지 목마륎거든 낎게로 와서 마시띌 나륌 믿는 자는 성겜에 읎늄곌 같읎 ê·ž 배에서 생수의 강읎 흘러나였늬띌(요 7:37,38)
3. 수고하고 묎거욎 짐 진 자듀아 ë‹€ 낎게로 였띌 ë‚Žê°€ 너희륌 쉬게 하늬띌 나는 마음읎 옚유하고 겞손하니 나의 멍에륌 메고 낎게 배우띌 귞늬하멎 너희 마음읎 쉌을 얻윌늬니 읎는 낮 멍에는 쉜고 낮 짐은 가벌움읎띌 하시니띌(마 11:28-30)


당신의 빈 ê·ž 마음 였직 예수 귞늬슀도로 채욞 수 있습니닀. 생명의 말씀윌로 채욞 수 있습니닀.
예수 귞늬슀도륌 믿고 ê·ž 마음을 생명의 말씀윌로 채우는 귞늬슀도읞의 삶, 계속 읎얎집니닀.




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    A person’s mind, what can we fill it with?


There some things in the world that we cannot completely fill, no matter how hard we try. That is the ‘human mind’.

When people cannot fill their hearts with something, they constantly have a feeling of ‘emptiness’. The flesh can feel like they have been filled if they eat to some extent, but as time passes, they feel hungry again and like this, if a human does not fill their hearts with something, they will feel thirsty and try to fill it with something.

Of course, when we feel that our hearts have been filled to the top, we feel the ‘emptiness’ again and the human’s greed will devote his whole life to fill that empty heart.

As a child, we grow up thinking that mom and dad is the best, and the broken marbles, mom’s old makeup, broken hairpins, and pretty stones all seem precious like they are everything.

However, that same heart starts looking for something new and better and we start to like our friends better than our parents, and over time, from friends to lovers, from lovers to spouses, from spouses to our children, and our children to our grandchildren. This is also the filling of the empty mind of a person who seeks something new and better every day.

And then, materials. We realize that we can get everything if we only have money. So, we study harder, get a job at a better place and receive a higher pay, start a bigger business and try to fill our lives with more materials, money.

But with the materials that we gathered after studying and working like that, we start a family with love, living on a monthly rent to yearly rent and from yearly rent to my own 60m2 house, from my own 60m2 to my own 80m2 house, and from my own 80m2 house to my own 105m2 house. We think that we can fill the void in our hearts with bigger houses, but even if we get more materials and our house gets bigger, the vacancy in our hearts grows. In the end, humans will all die and will only need a 2m2 space to rest our bodies.

If not with a person or material, we now try to tie our hearts down with something else such as reading, exercising, sports, diet, or travelling, and we try to forget the reality through YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and other social media networks, and we even try to escape the reality through drinking, gambling, drugs, and games, trying to fill our never satisfying hearts with short-term enjoyments.


It cannot be filled with substances.

Zacchaeus appears in the Bible (Luke 19: 1-10). Israel was a Roman tribe and had to pay taxes to Rome, and during this time, tax collectors collected more money than the tax, which accumulated to their wealth. The Jews knew this very well. So, the tax collectors became the subject to the Jew’s hatred. Zacchaeus was also the chief tax collector. 

So how much wealth did he accumulate and how much hatred did he receive?

But even when he was receiving all that hate, he still believed that materials, the money, can fill his heart. He could endure all the hate, swearing, and being pointed fingers at.

However, his mind was always empty and void. That is why the rich man Zacchaeus came to Jesus and confessed.

But Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, “Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount.” (Lk 19:8)

Only by filling his heart with Jesus was he able to leave the materialistic life that was everything to him. After all, our hunger will not stop unless the greed in us is controlled. When the richest man that lived on Earth, Rockefeller was given the question, “How much money would be enough for you?” he answered, “Just a little more.” It cannot be filled. The Bible said, 

“Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income. This too is meaningless.” (Ecc 5:10)

Nicodemus appears in the Bible (John 3: 1-21). Nicodemus was a Pharisee and an official of the Jews. A Jewish official was the person who had the power of a politician today. He was also a rich man who knew the Bible really well, respected by people, and morally flawless. But he had to come to Jesus for he could not fill the heart with all the worldly materials he had.

Here, Jesus said to Nicodemus, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”(Jn 3:3). And “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit.”(Jn 3:5). 

Then, what does it mean to be born again? Before the creation, the world was “chaos, emptiness, darkness” (Ge 1: 2), but the new life we receive by believing in Jesus Christ, that is rebirth. Life that is not born again through Jesus Christ is empty. So, in the Bible, the Christians who found themselves again through Jesus Christ are said to be 

‘Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come. The old has gone, the new is here! ‘(2 Co 5:17).


It cannot be filled with people.

There was an unknown woman who lived in the city of Samaria, in Israel (Jn 4: 1-42). Even though the daytime in Judea was so hot that people did not move around, this woman came to draw water at 6 o"clock in the Bible, which is 12 in the afternoon in our time. She did this to avoid people’s attention. Why did this woman avoid people? It was because this woman had five men already, and was now she was living with the sixth man.

Why did this woman have to live with so many men? Her expectation that this man would fill her failed and led to disappointment. Therefore, she constantly changed men with the expectation that changing the man can fill her void mind. Still, she could not be filled with men. Then who would come for her? That is Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ came. The Jews did not take this road because they did not want to intervene with the Samaritans. However, Jesus, a Jew, and his Jewish disciples took this road and found the Samaritan woman. And He said,

“but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” (Jn 4: 14)

Then, what did the woman, that changed men five times and was living with her sixth and was scared of people, do? 

The Bible says, 

Then, leaving her water jar, the woman went back to the town and said to the people, “Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Messiah?” (Jn 4:28,29) 

When her heart got filled with Jesus Christ, she was no longer afraid of the people nor ashamed at herself.


The human heart, the empty heart, can only be filled with Jesus Christ. Jesus says.
1. “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” (Jn 6: 35)
2. “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” (Jn 7:37,38)
3. “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Mt 11:28-30)


Your empty heart can only be filled with Jesus Christ. You can fill it with the Word of Life.
The life of a Christian who believes in Jesus Christ and fills his heart with the words of Life will always continue.











































21ì„žêž° 컎퓚터와 읞터넷 귞늬고 슀마튞 폰에 의핎 섞상읎 휘둘늬고 있습니닀. 읎젠 더 읎상 하나님의 말씀읞 성겜의 권위는 없얎젞가고 유투람륌 앞섞욎 SNS가 지배하는 섞상읎 되얎가고 있습니닀. 우늬는 닀시 하나님의 말씀읞 성겜윌로 돌아가서 하나님곌 동행하는 삶을 ì‚Žì•„ì•Œ 합니닀. 성겜 말씀읎 생명임을 믿고 말씀을 통핎 하나님의 뜻을 분별하여알 합니닀. 귞러Ʞ 위핎 on띌읞에서 하나님의 말씀읞 성겜을 가륎치는 사역읎 "21ì„žêž° 말씀의 삶" 사역입니닀.

"21ì„žêž° 말씀의 삶" 사역팀은 읎 사역에 자신의 환겜곌 여걎 속에서 하나님의 죌신 마음윌로 Ʞ도로 재정윌로 동찞할 하나님의 사람을 찟습니닀. 핚께 Ʞ도하며 말씀을 생명곌 같읎 불듀고 ì‹žìšž 믿음의 사람을 찟습니닀. 

21ì„žêž° 말씀의 삶 l 닀음 섞대륌 향한 말씀 영상 사역 

홍요셉 목사 l 성겜교사, 제자훈렚자, 역사연구가, 쀑동선교전략가 

읎메음 hfamilyfa@gmail.com 

칎톡 hfamilyfa 

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